
Overview: Evolution moves fast

Infectious pathogens are constantly getting stronger and more strategic, adapting to new environments,
and evolving to resist existing treatments. Despite this constant evolution, the technologies crucial to
fighting antimicrobial resistance (AMR) often fail to keep pace. While the most formidable pathogens
are always the latest and greatest version, clinical tools can become archaic and outdated, unable to
reliably equip physicians with the most accurate and actionable information in a timely fashion.

Even the most basic medical technologies have gone through stages of innovation as they advanced
over time—consider, for example, the stethoscope. Now an iconic item slung around the neck of
practicing physicians, this tool originated as improvisation, in the form of a rolled-up sheet of paper.
Early stethoscopes were based on (and looked like!) the musical flute, and even today the stethoscope
continues to evolve in its efficacy and accuracy.

If we understand medical technologies must evolve, shouldn't it be the same for our lab reporting and
analysis processes?

Technology has to keep pace, and lab reporting is no exception

Much like the stethoscope, lab reporting originated as a piece of paper: traditional lab reports were
designed to be used with manual typewriters. But because lab reports never evolved beyond their
original design, today’s providers are confronted with the limited dimensionality of these reports—
making it difficult to interpret results in a larger context, compare outcomes data, or take into account
specific patient characteristics and needs.

Outdated lab reporting technologies are not merely inefficient, they can also be especially dangerous in
the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The United States sees more than 2.8 million AMR
infections each year, resulting in over 35,000 annual deaths. These figures are just a portion of a larger
global crisis, with over 1 million yearly deaths caused by AMR-related illnesses, and AMR as a
contributing factor to another 5 million deaths each year. Alongside the heavy human toll comes
resource strain and cost burden as well: in the United States alone, the yearly cost of treating infections
caused by drug-resistant pathogens exceeds $4.6 billion.

In the face of these numbers, outdated lab reporting technologies simply won't cut it.

Stop relying on archaic tech for your lab needs

Providers seek out the latest and most advanced tools available in order to stay ahead of the curve in
patient care. Delivering optimal patient care requires using clinical tools for diagnostic support that are
capable of precisely considering the individual patient. That’s precisely what Arkstone delivers in our
OneChoice and Medsmatrix solutions.

With AI-backed precision analysis and interpretation and real-time patient-specific treatment plans,
Arkstone equips users with the optimal treatment regimen in a matter of seconds. Backed by advanced
artificial intelligence and a deep understanding of infectious diseases, our decision-supporting clinical
tools delivers capabilities that match the pace of development in today’s digital age: putting modern
technologies to use toward precise, rapid, and effective patient care.

Diagnostic-supporting clinical tools built for the future

Typical lab reports only offer a static interpretation of test results, but Arkstone’s recommendations
provide dosages and duration of treatment, tailored to the unique needs of each patient.

  • OneChoice includes numerical ArkScores assessing infection complexity, antibiotic adverse
    reactions, and resistance gene implications.

  • Medsmatrix provides a drug-to-microbe relationship, shows why a drug may not work, and
    includes NIH data and standard-of-care references for evidence-based recommendations.

  • Arkstone’s other interactive tools enable:

    • Cross-checking of drug interactions

    • Calculating GFR and CrCl for appropriate dosage

    • Determination of dosing adjustments for renal or hepatic dysfunction

Partner with Arkstone to drive precision patient care

Outdated lab reporting methods are inefficient, inaccurate, and unnecessary—and like any obsolete
technology can cause more harm than good.

Don’t settle for outdated methods when it comes to providing care for your patients. Choose Arkstone
for the latest and most advanced clinical tools in diagnostic support.

Arkstone and its partners are introducing a new era of more precise, rapid, and effective patient care.

Reach out to Arkstone today and let’s talk about the future of precision patient care.